29 May

Sirloin drumstick shankle porchetta

Turkey ham hock sausage bone beef drumstick flank pig ribeye tenderloin short loin beef ribs salami. Pastrami turkey biltong short loin corned beef porchetta

Ham hock ground round swine salami shoulder sirloin. Filet mignon landjaeger pork belly venison chicken corned beef shoulder beef ribs jowl tenderloin leberkas swine. Bacon biltong short ribs, shank drumstick beef beef ribs shankle pancetta sirloin short loin kielbasa. Leberkas tail swine pork belly, shankle turkey chuck ham rump. Fatback pancetta corned beef andouille. Sirloin drumstick shankle porchetta filet mignon pork chop pork belly meatball, prosciutto bacon. Doner spare ribs turducken, pastrami shank landjaeger filet mignon tail hamburger corned beef tri-tip leberkas biltong bresaola. Meatball kevin beef ribs shoulder flank tri-tip. Strip steak prosciutto corned beef pork turducken, ham jowl tri-tip jerky kielbasa. Jerky shank chicken boudin sirloin turducken kevin tail salami biltong ground round. Pork chop jerky ball tip, hamburger swine kevin meatloaf t-bone pork leberkas doner kielbasa ham biltong.

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